Qui Non Obstat Quod Obstare Potest, Facere Videtur Law and Legal Definition
This is a Latin maxim which means an individual who does not prevent something which s/he could of prevented, is taken to have done that thing. The maxim states that aperson who does not prevent what s/he can prevent, seems to commit the thing.
Legal Definition list
- Qui Jure Suo Utitur Neminem Facit Injuriam
- Qui In Jus Dominiumve Alterius Succedit Jure Ejus Uti Debet
- Qui Ignorat Quantum Solvere Debeat, Non Potest Improbus Videre
- Qui Haeret In Litera, Haeret In Cortice
- Qui Facit Per Alium Facit Per Se
- Qui Non Obstat Quod Obstare Potest, Facere Videtur
- Qui Non Prohibet Quod Prohibere Potest, Assentire Videtur
- Qui Obstruit Aditum, Destruit Commodum
- Qui Prior Est Tempore Potior Est Jure
- Qui Tam
- Qui Tam Action