Sensitive Nuclear Technology Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 22 USCS § 3203 (5) [Title 22. Foreign Relations and Intercourse; Chapter 47. Nuclear Non-Proliferation], the term sensitive nuclear technology means any information (including information incorporated in a production or utilization facility or important component part thereof) which is not available to the public and which is important to the design, construction, fabrication, operation or maintenance of a uranium enrichment or nuclear fuel reprocessing facility or a facility for the production of heavy water, but shall not include Restricted Data controlled pursuant to chapter 12 of the 1954 Act [42 USCS §§ 2161 et seq.]
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003
- Advanced Nuclear Facility [Energy]
- Advanced Shipbuilding Technology
- Advanced Technology User Facility
- Advanced Technology Vehicle
- Agency for Instructional Technology [AIT]
- Alert [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Alternative Reproductive Technology[ART]
- Analytical Run [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Armed Escort [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]