Showing of Interest in Federal Labor Relations Law and Legal Definition
According to 5 CFR 2421.16 (Title 5, Administrative Personnel; chapter xiv, Federal Labor Relations Authority, General Counsel Of The Federal Labor Relations Authority And Federal Service Impasses Panel; Subchapter C, Federal Labor Relations Authority And General Counsel Of The Federal Labor Relations Authority) the term “Showing of Interest in Federal Labor Relations” means “the evidence of membership in a labor organization; employees' signed and dated authorization cards or petitions authorizing a labor organization to represent them for purposes of exclusive recognition; allotment of dues forms executed by an employee and the labor organization's authorized official; current dues records; an existing or recently expired agreement; current exclusive recognition or certification; employees' signed and dated petitions or cards indicating that they no longer desire to be represented for the purposes of exclusive recognition by the currently recognized or certified labor organization; employees' signed and dated petitions or cards indicating a desire that an election be held on a proposed consolidation of units; or other evidence approved by the Authority”
Legal Definition list
- Show Cause Order
- Show a Compelling Need
- Shotgun Instruction
- Shotgun Clause
- Shotgun
- Showing of Interest in Federal Labor Relations
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- Shrink-Wrap License
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