Silent-Witness Theory Law and Legal Definition
Under the silent witness theory, when an adequate foundation is provided to assure the accuracy of the process producing a photograph, the photograph can be admitted to speak for itself, even though no witness has vouched for its accuracy. It is a method of authenticating and admitting evidence like photographs, without the need for a witness to verify its authenticity. This theory is based on the notion that a photograph is reliable enough to be admitted into evidence.
The following are examples of case law on the silent witness theory:
Photographs, once properly authenticated by evidence that supports the reliability of the process or system that produced the photographs, are admissible under the silent witness theory. [United States v. McMahon, 2008 CCA LEXIS 87 (N-M.C.C.A. Mar. 11, 2008)]
The silent witness theory allows authentication of photographs by the reliability of the process that created them, without the need of a human witness to the events shown by the film.[United States v. Harris, 55 M.J. 433 (C.A.A.F. 2001)]