Skilled Nursing Facility Care Law and Legal Definition
Skilled nursing facility care is health care facilities that are licensed and inspected by the State Department of Health Services. They offer both short and long term care options for people with temporary or permanent health problems. They handle cases that are too complex or serious for home care or an assisted living setting. They include daily involvement of skilled nursing or rehabilitation staff, who offer 24-hour care to people who are incapable of caring for themselves due to physical, emotional, or mental conditions.
In skilled nursing facility care a licensed physician supervises each patient’s care and a nurse or other medical professional is always available for service. Skilled nursing facility care includes services such as medical treatment prescribed by a doctor, physical therapy, speech therapy, intravenous injections, occupational therapy, custodial care which involves assistance with personal care activities such as eating, walking, bathing, and using the toilet, case management and social services. Sometime specialized care programs for Alzheimer's or other illnesses and short-term respite care for disabled people are given under skilled nursing facility care.
Legal Definition list
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