Small Learning Community Law and Legal Definition
Small learning community refers to a subdivision of large school populations into smaller, autonomous groups of students and teachers. Small learning community is a school within a school.
Pursuant to 2010 Ga. ALS 390, 1, a small learning community means an autonomous or semi autonomous small learning environment within a large high school which is made up of a subset of students and teachers for a two, three, or four-year period. Small learning community aims at achievement of greater personalization of learning with each community led by a principal or instructional leader. A small learning community blends academic studies around a broad career or academic theme where teachers have common planning time to connect teacher assignments and assessments to college and career readiness standards. Students voluntarily apply for enrollment in a small learning community. However, the enrollment must be accepted, and such enrollment must be approved by the student's parent or guardian. A small learning community includes a career academy organized around a specific career theme integrating academic and career instruction. The academy provides work-based learning opportunities, and prepares students for post secondary education and employment, with support through partnerships with local employers, community organizations, and post secondary institutions.