Special Purpose Entity (SPE) Law and Legal Definition
A Special Purpose Entity (SPE) is a legal entity usually a limited company of some type created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives. SPE's are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the SPE for management or use the SPE to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. SPEs are also commonly used in complex financings to separate different layers of equity infusion. In addition, they are commonly used to own a single asset and associated permits and contract rights to allow for easier transfer of that asset.
SPE may be owned by one or more other entities and certain jurisdictions may require ownership by certain parties in specific percentages. Often it is important that the SPE not to be owned by the entity on whose behalf the SPE is being set up. Therefore many SPEs are set up as 'orphan' companies with their shares settled on charitable trust and with professional directors provided by an administration company to ensure that there is no connection with the sponsor.
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Acceptance Inspection
- Accrediting Entity [Adoption]
- Ad Officium Justiciariorum Spectat Unicuique Coram Eis Placitanti Justitiam Exhibere
- Adult With a Special Need
- Affidavit for Suspension of Fee/Cost
- Air Speed Indicator
- Alaska Native Entity
- Alien Species Prevention and Enforcement Act of 1992
- All-Purpose Public Figure
- Allocated species