Specialist (Health Care) Law and Legal Definition
A specialist in health care means a doctor who is an expert in treating certain diseases, certain health problems, certain parts of the body or certain age groups. For example, some doctors specialize in treating children with autism are specialists.
In the army, health care specialists who are assigned to deploy with army combat units, and provide emergency medical treatment directly on the battlefield are often called ‘combat medics’. Other heath care specialists in the army are assigned to assist doctors and nurses with the health care needs of patients in military hospitals and clinics.
Health care specialists on receiving advanced medical training to "specialize" in one of several areas are designated as additional skill identifier (ASI).
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Accelerated Benefits (Health Care)
- Accumulation Value (Health Care)
- Actual Age (Health Care)
- Actuarial Equivalent (Health Care)
- Acute Care
- Additional Health Services
- Adequate Parental Care
- Adequate Veterinary Care
- Admitting Privileges (Health Care)
- Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)