Standard Industrial Classification Law and Legal Definition
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a U.S. federally designed system, which identifies companies by industry with a standard numbering system. It provides other information and is used by securities analysts, market researchers, and others.
The Standard Industrial Classification has been replaced by the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), but several data sets are still available with SIC-based data. Both SIC and NAICS classify establishments by their primary type of activity.
Legal Definition list
- Standard Document
- Standard Design Certification [Energy]
- Standard Design Approval [Energy]
- Standard Design [Energy]
- Standard Deduction
- Standard Industrial Classification
- Standard International Trade Classification
- Standard Maximum Deposit Insurance Amount
- Standard Mileage Rate
- Standard Mortgage Clause
- Standard Occupational Classification System
Related Legal Terms
- 3-A Sanitary Standards and Accepted Practice
- Abercrombie Classification
- Accounting Professional Standards
- Advertising Standards
- American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial AFLCIO
- American National Standards Institute
- American Society of Industrial Security [ASIS]
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) Accreditation Standards
- ANSI Standard