Substantial-Evidence Rule Law and Legal Definition
Substantial evidence rule is a principle that a reviewing court should uphold an administrative body's ruling if it is supported by evidence on which the administrative body could reasonably base its decision.
The following is an example of a caselaw on the rule:
Substantial, within the meaning of the substantial evidence rule, means that the evidence must be of ponderable legal significance. It does not mean simply any evidence. It must be reasonable in nature, credible, and of solid value; it must actually be substantial proof of the essentials that the law requires in a particular case. [In re Alcala, 222 Cal. App. 3d 345 (Cal. App. 1st Dist. 1990)]
Legal Definition list
- Substantial-Continuity Doctrine
- Substantial Work Activity
- Substantial United States Owner [Income Tax]
- Substantial Understatement
- Substantial Underrepresentation [Business Credit and Assistance]
- Substantial-Evidence Rule
- Substantiallly the Same as
- Substantially Altered Lands
- Substantially Developed Land
- Substantially Expelled From Mother
- Substantially Impaired