Substantial Professional Experience Law and Legal Definition
Substantial professional experience refers to experience obtained from the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession or professional activity concerned.
In medical jurisprudence substantial professional experience is determined by the custom and practice of the manner in which emergency medical coverage is provided in general acute care hospital emergency departments in the same or similar localities where the alleged negligence occurred. [Cal Health & Saf Code § 1799.110].
Legal Definition list
- Substantial Presence Test
- Substantial Personal Injury or Illness
- Substantial Performance
- Substantial Part
- Substantial Ownership
- Substantial Professional Experience
- Substantial Rehabilitation [HUD]
- Substantial Risk
- Substantial Similarity
- Substantial Step
- Substantial Underrepresentation [Business Credit and Assistance]
Related Legal Terms
- Accountants Professional Liability Insurance
- Accounting Professional Standards
- Actuarial Experience [Employee Retirement]
- Adverse Drug Experience
- Aeronautical Experience [Aeronautics and Space]
- Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program
- All Substantial Rights to a Patent [Internal Revenue]
- Allied Health Professionals
- American Board of Professional Psychology [ABPP]
- American Experience Table of Mortality