Super Efficient Refrigerator Program (SERP) Law and Legal Definition
Super Efficient Refrigerator Program (SERP) is an organization of 24 U.S. utilities that developed a $30 million competition to produce a refrigerator that is at least 25% lower in energy use and 85% lower in ozone depletion than projected earlier models.
Legal Definition list
- Super Efficient Refrigerator Program (SERP)
- Suo Moto
- Suo Jure
- Sunshine Laws
- Sunset Provision
- Super Royalty Provision
- Super Tuesday
- Supercomputer
- Superdelegate
- Superficial Discounting
- Superfund
Related Legal Terms
- 8 A Program
- Ability One Program
- Abuse in Later Life Program [Department of Justice]
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program [Education]
- Accelerated Nursing Degree Program
- Administrative Program
- Advanced Placement Program
- Aerodynamic Coefficients
- Afterschool Care Program
- Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program