Surface Facilities [Energy] Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 963.2 [Title 10 Energy; Chapter III Department of Energy; Part 963 Yucca Mountain Site Suitability Guidelines; Subpart A General Provisions], surface facilities means “all permanent facilities within the restricted area constructed in support of site characterization activities and repository construction, operation, and closure activities, including surface structures, utility lines, roads, railroads, and similar facilities, but excluding the underground facility.”
Legal Definition list
- Surface Facilities [Energy]
- Surface Deformation [Nuclear Regulatory Commission]
- Surface Contaminated Object - SCO - Material [Energy]
- Surface Coal Mining Operations
- Suretyship by Operation of Law
- Surface Issue
- Surface Mining
- Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
- Surface Rights
- Surface Transportation Board
- Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2003