Swiss Corporation or Other Entity [Internal Revenue] Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 26 CFR 509.104 (8) [Title 26 Internal Revenue; Chapter I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury; Subchapter G Regulations under Tax Conventions; Part 509 Switzerland; Subpart General Income Tax], the term Swiss Corporation or Other Entity means “a corporation or institution or foundation having juridical personality, or a partnership (association "en nom collectif" or "en commandite"), or other association without juridical personality, created or organized under Swiss laws.”
Legal Definition list
- Swiss Corporation or Other Entity [Internal Revenue]
- Swing Voter
- Swing States
- Swine Health Protection Act
- Swine Contractor
- Swiss Enterprise [Internal Revenue]
- Swiss Tax
- Switch [Commodities]
- Switchblade Knife
- Sworn Statement
- Syllabus Rule