UEFJA Law and Legal Definition
UEFJA is the abbreviation for Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act. Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act was created by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law (NCCUSL) in 1948. It was later amended in 1964. This act provides a simplified way of enforcing judgments entered in another state, implementing full faith and credit. The act permits enacting states to enforce a judgment of another state upon the mere act of filing it in the office of a Clerk of Court. Once a judgment is filed, the Clerk of Court notifies the person subject to the judgment of that filing. Any ordinary method of enforcement becomes available once notice is given. However, any person subject to a judgment has the power to stay its enforcement when it is still being appealed in the state of origin. Any grounds for raising a collateral attack remain fully available. But, until the person subject to a judgment raises such issues, the judgment will be enforced without further proceedings.
This act has been adopted by majority of the states in the U.S.