United States Census Bureau Law and Legal Definition
The United States Census Bureau is the government agency that is responsible for the United States Census. It also gathers other national demographic and economic data. As part of the United States Department of Commerce, the Census Bureau serves as a leading source of data about America's people and economy.
The most important role of the Census Bureau is to perform the official decennial count of people living in the USA. One core result is to decide the number of seats each state is allowed in the House of Representatives. The agency director is a political appointee selected by the President of the United States.
Legal Definition list
- United States Capitol Police [USCP]
- United States Capitol
- United States Bureau of Justice Statistics
- United States Army Retraining Brigade
- United States Army Corrections Command
- United States Census Bureau
- United States Coast Guard
- United States Code Annotated
- United States Commission on Civil Rights
- United States Commissioner
- United States Copyright Office
Related Legal Terms
- Accompanying the Armed Forces outside the United States
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Administration of Estates
- Administrative Conference of the United States
- Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
- Agency of the United States
- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
- Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
- Ally of Enemy of the United States
- American Bureau of Shipping [ABS]