User Partnership Program [National Security] Law and Legal Definition
The User Partnership Program (UPP) means a partnership established between National Security Agency (NSA) and a U.S. government department or agency to aid U.S. government departments and agencies in developing effective IA solutions for unique user requirements. UPP also aims at the development of secure information processing and communications equipment by incorporating NSA approved cryptographic security. Under the UPP, the activities such as contracting and funding the development of the product are the responsibility of the client organization.
The procedure involved in the creation of UPP agreement can be categorized into different steps. As the first step, the U. S. government customer must contact the Business Affairs Office (BAO) of NSA. Second step is that the BAO will provide the vendor with a Product Summary Questionnaire (PSQ). As the next step, the vendor must complete and submit the PSQ with the BAO. In the fourth step, the business case will be determined by the BAO. Upon determination of the business case, the vendor must submit a detailed proposal. The detailed proposal will be then reviewed for technology and market, and the product will be accepted into program. Later, NSA and vendor will enter into a legal agreement and both of them will participate in the security evaluation. As the last step the NSA will certify the security embedded within the product or service.
Legal Definition list
- User Partnership Program [National Security]
- User Fee Anniversary Date
- User Fee Airport
- Useless Gesture Exception
- Useful-Article Doctrine
- Uslegalwills
- USPTO Director [Patents]
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- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
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