Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing Law and Legal Definition
Voluntary uncommitted cost sharing means the sharing of project costs over and above sponsor cost-sharing requirements. It is not offered as a part of a funding application. It is not considered mandatory since it does not become a part of the award requirements.
Legal Definition list
- Voluntary Trust
- Voluntary Trichinae Certification Program [VTCP]
- Voluntary Transfer (Bankruptcy)
- Voluntary Surrender of License
- Voluntary Suretyship
- Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing
- Voluntary Unemployment
- Voluntary Waste
- Voluntas Donatoris In Charta Doni Sui Manifeste Expressa Observetur
- Voluntas Et Propositum Distinguunt Maleficia
- Voluntas Reputatur Pro Facto
Related Legal Terms
- Above the Line Costs (Entertainment Law)
- Absorption Costing
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Acquisition Cost of an Item of Purchased Equipment
- Acquisition Cost of Equipment [Education]
- Activity-Based Costing
- Actuarial Cost Assumptions
- Actuarial Cost Method
- Administrative Cost of Issuing a Loan Guarantee
- Administrative Settlement Costs