Wage Change Survey [Administrative Personnel] Law and Legal Definition
According to 5 CFR 532.201 [Title 5 -- Administrative Personnel; Chapter I -- Office of Personnel Management; Subchapter B -- Civil Service Regulations; Part 532 -- Prevailing Rate Systems; Subpart B -- Prevailing Rate Determinations], wage change survey means “a survey in which rate change data are collected from the same establishments and for the same establishment occupations represented in the full-scale survey. These data may be collected by telephone, mail, or personal visit.”
Legal Definition list
- Wage Change Survey [Administrative Personnel]
- Wage Ceiling
- Wage Bracket
- Wage Attachment
- Wage Area [Office of Personnel Management]
- Wage Credits
- Wage Determination
- Wage Differential
- Wage Discrimination
- Wage Earner Plan
- Wage Floor