Weighted Average Maturity of a Pool Certificate [Business Credit and Assistance] Law and Legal Definition
According to 13 CFR 120.1700 [Title 13 -- Business Credit and Assistance; Chapter I -- Small Business Administration; Part 120 -- Business Loans; Subpart J--Establishment of SBA Secondary Market Guarantee Program for First Lien Position 504 Loan Pools], the weighted average maturity of a Pool Certificate is “a dollar weighted average maturity that is calculated by multiplying the remaining term, in months, of each Loan Interest in a Pool by the ratio of that Loan Interest's current outstanding pooled principal to the current aggregate outstanding pooled principal of all Loan Interests in the Pool, and adding the sum of the resulting products. The weighted average maturity of a Pool Certificate will fluctuate over the life of the Pool as Loan Interest defaults, prepayments and normal Loan Interest repayments occur.”
Legal Definition list
- Weighted Average Maturity of a Pool Certificate [Business Credit and Assistance]
- Weighted Average Maturity
- Weighted Average Interest Rate [Business Credit and Assistance]
- Weighted Average Dumping Margin
- Weighted Application
- Weights and Measures
- Weingarten Rights
- Welfare Agency
- Welfare Assistance
- Welfare Loss of Taxation
- Welfare Report