Wire Communication Facility Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 18 USCS § 1081, [Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure; Part I. Crimes; Chapter 50. Gambling] the term wire communication facility means “any and all instrumentalities, personnel, and services (among other things, the receipt, forwarding, or delivery of communications) used or useful in the transmission of writings, signs, pictures, and sounds of all kinds by aid of wire, cable, or other like connection between the points of origin and reception of such transmission.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Advanced Nuclear Facility [Energy]
- Advanced Technology User Facility
- Air Facility System
- Air Navigation Facility
- Air Navigation Facility Certificate
- Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications Card
- Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications System
- Ammonium Nitrate Facility
- Application for a Deposit Facility [Banks & Banking]
- Appropriate Modes of Communication [Education]