Testimony Law and Legal Definition
Testimony is a statement made in a legal proceeding or legislative hearing by a witness while under oath. A witness who provides false testimony is guilty of perjury and may be punished by incarceration. Testimony is one type of evidence, as distinguished from writings, videotapes, and other forms of evidence.
Rules of evidence are applicable to testimony. Some witnesses, such as expert witnesses, may be paid for their testimony, but evidence of the professional nature of their services may be introduced for purposes of credibility. Payment for providing false testimony is a crime called subornation of perjury.
According to 37 CFR 104.1 [Title 37 -- Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights; Chapter I -- United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce; Subchapter B – Administration; Part 104 -- Legal Processes; Subpart A -- General Provisions] the term testimony means “a statement in any form, including personal appearances before a court or other legal tribunal, interviews, depositions, telephonic, televised, or videotaped statements or any responses given during discovery or similar proceedings, which response would involve more than the production of documents, including a declaration under 35 U.S.C. 25 or 28 U.S.C. 1746.”