G-5 Visa Law and Legal Definition
G-5 Visa is a nonimmigrant Visa issued to the attendants, servants or personal employees of principal G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-4 Visa holders to enter into U.S. to render services to the principal. The immediate family members (spouse and children) of principal G-5 Visa holders are also eligible for G-5 Visas. In order to qualify for a G-5 Visa, the applicant must be 1) an attendant who is paid from the public funds of the foreign government or the international organization, and is duty bound to serve the principal, or 2) a servant or personal employee who is paid from the principal G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-4 Visa holder's private funds and is employed solely in a domestic or personal capacity.
A G-5 Visa holder can stay in the U.S. for a period of up to three years. The stay can be extended for an additional period of two years. The G-5 a Visa holders can hold a variety of domestic positions, including cook, maid, housekeeper, janitor, laundress, caretaker, babysitter, etc.