Gauging Manual Law and Legal Definition
A gauging manual refers to a compilation of rules and procedures for determining the proof and quantity of distilled spirits. The term gauging refers to a standard or a scale of measurement. Proof of distilled spirits is determined by the use of gauging instruments. According to 27 CFR 30.21, the commonly used gauging instruments are:
1.Hydrometres ;
A gauging manual provides for the procedures to determine the quantity, in gallons, of any lot or package of specially denatured spirits. A gauging manual provides that when spirits are to be gauged by weight in bulk quantities, the weight should be determined by means of weighing tanks, mounted on accurate scales. A gauging manual also prescribes that wooden packages should be individually gauged for withdrawal. A gauging manual is inspected by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and can be availed from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Legal Definition list
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