General/Area Wage Determinations Law and Legal Definition
General wage determinations or area wage determinations reflects those rates determined by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor to be prevailing in a specific geographic area for the type of construction described. General wage decisions and modifications and supersedeas decisions, contain no expiration dates and are effective either from their date of notice in the Federal Register, or on the date written notice is received by the agency, whichever is earlier. If a contracting agency has a proposed construction project to which a general determination would be applicable, the published determination shall be used by the contracting agency without consulting the Department of Labor, provided that questions concerning its use shall be referred to the Department of Labor.
Legal Definition list
- General/Area Wage Determinations
- General-Welfare Power
- General-Obligation Bond
- General-Mortgage Bond
- General Welfare Clause
- Generale Tantum Valet In Generalibus, Quantum Singulare In Singulis
- Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant
- Generalia Sunt Praeponenda Singularibus
- Generalis Regula Generaliter Est Intelligenda
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP]