Generalia Sunt Praeponenda Singularibus Law and Legal Definition
Generalia Sunt Praeponenda Singularibus is a legal maxim that means general things are to be put before particular things. Normally, general things precede and particular things follow the general matter. When there is a general rule, any particular rule that is based on the general rule can apply only when the general rule permits. There will be exceptional situations when a particular thing is to be followed. The exceptional circumstances will be described along with the general matter.
Legal Definition list
- Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant
- Generale Tantum Valet In Generalibus, Quantum Singulare In Singulis
- General/Area Wage Determinations
- General-Welfare Power
- General-Obligation Bond
- Generalia Sunt Praeponenda Singularibus
- Generalis Regula Generaliter Est Intelligenda
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP]
- Generally Accepted Auditing Standards [GAAS]
- Generally Accepted Standards of Clinical Practice
Related Legal Terms
- Constitutiones Tempore Posteriores Potiores Sunt His Quae Ipas Praecesserunt
- Duo Non Possunt In Solido Unam Rem Possidere
- Expressa Non Prosunt Quae Non Expressa Proderunt
- Facta Sunt Potentiora Verbis
- Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant
- Nobiles Sunt Qui Arma Gentilitia Antecessorum Suorum Proferre Possunt
- Non Omnium Quae A Majoribus Nostris Constituta Sunt Ratio Reddi Potest
- Omissio Eorum Quae Tacite Insunt Nihil Operatur
- Pacta Sunt Servanda
- Quae Contra Rationem Juris Introducta Sunt, Non Debent Trahi In Consequentiam