Grassroots Collaboration Program Law and Legal Definition
Grassroots collaboration program is an initiative by the U.S. federal government to promote the protection of environment and to eliminate poverty. Grassroots Collaboration Program facilitates to develop improved mechanisms for involving, directly or indirectly, nongovernmental organizations in the design, implementation, and monitoring of development projects to alleviate poverty and promote environmental protection.
Federal statute, 22 USCS § 262p-1 enumerates the following development policies through grassroots collaboration program that includes :
1. Encouraging nongovernmental organizations in borrowing countries to participate in all stages of project planning and country strategy activities;
2.Increasing the direct involvement of nongovernmental organizations in project design, implementation, or monitoring whenever such organizations have a distinct comparative advantage over other entities in providing such services by virtue of their grassroots involvement with poor people, especially women, in a borrowing country;
3.Providing micro enterprise credit for small scale economic activities through nongovernmental organizations;
4.Supporting the enhancement of the institutional capacity of nongovernmental organizations in borrowing countries as development practitioners; and
5. Establishing or supporting jointly funded intermediary mechanisms with nongovernmental organizations to facilitate increased collaboration between such bank or association and nongovernmental organizations in borrowing countries. ****
Legal Definition list
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