HCV Program Law and Legal Definition
HCV program means the Housing Choice Voucher Program of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. It is a federal housing program authorized by 42 U.S.C.S. § 1437(f) et seq. This Section 8 program provides rental assistance and home ownership option to extremely low, very low, and low income households. It is a tenant-based or project-based program. This program helps families to pay their rent.
The program also provides assistance to senior citizens and disabled persons on fixed incomes, displaced families, and homeless individuals with disabilities.
Housing choice vouchers allow very low-income families to choose and lease or purchase safe, decent, and affordable privately-owned rental housing.
The following is an example of a federal regulation on Housing Choice Voucher Program:
24 CFR 982.1. Programs: Purpose and structure.
(a) General description. (1) In the HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program (Voucher Program) and the HUD certificate program, HUD pays rental subsidies so eligible families can afford decent, safe and sanitary housing. Both programs are generally administered by State or local governmental entities called public housing agencies (PHAs). HUD provides housing assistance funds to the PHA. HUD also provides funds for PHA administration of the programs. PHAs are no longer allowed to enter into contracts for assistance in the certificate program.
(2) Families select and rent units that meet program housing quality standards. If the PHA approves a family's unit and tenancy, the PHA contracts with the owner to make rent subsidy payments on behalf of the family. A PHA may not approve a tenancy unless the rents is reasonable.
(3) In the certificate program, the rental subsidy is generally based on the actual rent of a unit leased by the assisted family. In the voucher program, the rental subsidy is determined by a formula.
(4)(i) In the certificate program, the subsidy for most families is the difference between the rent and 30 percent of adjusted monthly income.
(ii) In the voucher program, the subsidy is based on a local "payment standard" that reflects the cost to lease a unit in the local housing market. If the rent is less than the payment standard, the family generally pays 30 percent of adjusted monthly income for rent. If the rent is more than the payment standard, the family pays a larger share of the rent.
(b) Tenant-based and project-based assistance. (1) Section 8 assistance may be "tenant-based" or "project-based". In project-based programs, rental assistance is paid for families who live in specific housing developments or units. With tenant-based assistance, the assisted unit is selected by the family. The family may rent a unit anywhere in the United States in the jurisdiction of a PHA that runs a voucher program.
(2) To receive tenant-based assistance, the family selects a suitable unit. After approving the tenancy, the PHA enters into a contract to make rental subsidy payments to the owner to subsidize occupancy by the family. The PHA contract with the owner only covers a single unit and a specific assisted family. If the family moves out of the leased unit, the contract with the owner terminates. The family may move to another unit with continued assistance so long as the family is complying with program requirements.
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