Highest Home Energy Needs Law and Legal Definition
According to 42 USCS § 8622 [Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare; Chapter 94. Low-Income Energy Assistance; Low-Income Home Energy Assistance], the term "highest home energy needs" means the home energy requirements of a household determined by taking into account both the energy burden of such household and the unique situation of such household that results from having members of vulnerable populations, including very young children, individuals with disabilities, and frail older individuals.
Legal Definition list
- Highest Degree of Care
- Highest Adjacent Grade
- Higher Pay Band [Administrative Personnel]
- Higher Margin Level
- Higher Education Facilities Act
- Highest Home Energy Needs
- Highest Possible Degree Available [Education]
- Highly Compensated Employee [Internal Revenue]
- Highly Competent Early Childhood Educator
- Highly Confidential Business Information
- Highly Enriched Uranium