Hold Harmless Clause Law and Legal Definition
A hold harmless clause is a contractual provision in which on party agrees not to hold the other party responsible for any specified or unspecified liability or harm that the other party might incur. This clause simply indemnifies the other party from any losses.
A hold harmless clause may be inserted by either party to a contract. Such clauses may be unilateral or reciprocal. In a unilateral clause, only one party agrees to the hold harmless arrangement. On the other hand, reciprocal hold harmless clauses are endorsed by both parties to the contract.
A hold harmless clause is an "[a]greement or contract in which one party agrees to hold the other without responsibility for damage or other liability arising out of the transaction involved." [Lanier at McEver, L.P. v. Planners & Eng'rs Collaborative, Inc., 284 Ga. 204, 209-210 (Ga. 2008)]