Holding of Discrimination Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 31 USCS § 6720 (Title 31, Money and Finance; Subtitle V, General Assistance Administration; Chapter 67, Federal Payments), "holding of discrimination" means “a holding by a United States court, a State court, or an administrative law judge appointed under section 3105 of title 5, United States Code, that a unit of general local government expending amounts received under this chapter [31 USCS §§ 6701 et seq.] has--
(A) excluded a person in the United States from participating in, denied the person the benefits of, or subjected the person to discrimination under, a program or activity because of race, color, national origin, or sex; or
(B) violated a prohibition against discrimination described in section 6711(b) [31 USCS § 6711(b)].”