Homeland Security Council Law and Legal Definition
The Homeland Security Council (HSC) is an entity within the White House Office. The Council subsequently expanded on by Homeland Security Presidential Directive. It served as the successor to the Office of Homeland Security, established on September 20, 2001, immediately after to the September 11 attacks. Congress subsequently codified the HSC in the Homeland Security Act of 2002, charging it with advising the President on homeland security matters.
On May 26, 2009, Barack Obama signed the recommendation to merge the Homeland Security Council and National Security Council staffs into one National Security Staff (NSS). The HSC and NSC continue to exist by statute as independent but closely coordinated councils of leadership advising the president. The Homeland Security Council is responsible for assessing the objectives, commitments, and risks of the United States, and for making recommendations to the president with respect to homeland security policy.
Legal Definition list
- Homeland Security Advisory Council [HSAC]
- Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Homeland Security Act 2002
- Homeland Security
- Homeland Defense Activity
- Homeland Security Council
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program [HSEEP]
- Homeland Security Information Network
- Homeland Security Institute
- Homeland Security Operations Center [HSOC]
- Homeland Security Preparedness
Related Legal Terms
- Abandoned Security Property [Agriculture]
- Access Control List [National Security]
- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
- Accessible Space [National Security]
- Adverse Claim on Security
- Advertising Council
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
- Advisory Councils of Federal Reserve System
- Agricultural Biosecurity
- Alternate COMSEC Custodian [National Security]