Homeland Security Institute Law and Legal Definition
The Homeland Security Institute (“Institute”) established by the Secretary of the Homeland Security. It works with and supports other federal, state, local, tribal, public and private sector organizations that make up the homeland security enterprise. The Institute is administered as a separate entity by the Secretary of the Homeland Security.
The duties of the Institute are determined by the Secretary, and may include the following:
1.To determine the vulnerabilities of the nation's critical infrastructures and the effectiveness of the systems deployed to reduce those vulnerabilities;
2.To make economic and policy analysis by assessing the distributed costs and benefits of alternative approaches to enhancing security;
3.To evaluate the effectiveness of measures deployed to enhance the security of institutions, facilities, and infrastructure that may be terrorist targets;
4.To identify common standards and protocols that could improve the interoperability and effective utilization of tools developed for field operators and first responders;
5.To assist federal agencies and departments in establishing test beds to evaluate the effectiveness of technologies under development ;and
6. To assess the appropriateness of such technologies for deployment.
The Secretary of the Homeland Security effectively carries out the duties by consulting widely with representatives from private industry, institutions of higher education, nonprofit institutions, other government agencies, and federally funded research and development centers.[ 6 USCS § 192].
Legal Definition list
- Homeland Security Information Network
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program [HSEEP]
- Homeland Security Council
- Homeland Security Advisory Council [HSAC]
- Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Homeland Security Institute
- Homeland Security Operations Center [HSOC]
- Homeland Security Preparedness
- Homeless
- Homeless Children and Youths
- Homeless Family with Children [HUD]
Related Legal Terms
- Abandoned Security Property [Agriculture]
- Access Control List [National Security]
- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
- Accessible Space [National Security]
- Adverse Claim on Security
- Agricultural Biosecurity
- Alternate COMSEC Custodian [National Security]
- Alternative Security Program
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA]
- American Institute of Electrical Engineers