Household Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 430.2 [Title 10 – Energy; Chapter II -- Department of Energy; Subchapter D -- Energy Conservation; Part 430 -- Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products; Subpart A -- General Provisions], the term household means “an entity consisting of either an individual, a family, or a group of unrelated individuals, who reside in a particular housing unit. For the purpose of this definition:
(1) Group quarters means living quarters that are occupied by an institutional group of 10 or more unrelated persons, such as a nursing home, military barracks, halfway house, college dormitory, fraternity or sorority house, convent, shelter, jail or correctional institution.
(2) Housing unit means a house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, but does not include group quarters.
(3) Separate living quarters means living quarters:
(i) To which the occupants have access either:
(A) Directly from outside of the building, or
(B) Through a common hall that is accessible to other living quarters and that does not go through someone else's living quarters, and
(ii) Occupied by one or more persons who live and eat separately from occupant(s) of other living quarters, if any, in the same building.”