Household Income Law and Legal Definition
According to 8 CFR 213a.1 (Title 8 -- Aliens and Nationality; Chapter I - Department Of Homeland Security (Immigration And Naturalization); Subchapter B- Immigration Regulations; Part 213a- Affidavits Of Support On Behalf Of Immigrants), household income means “the income used to determine whether the sponsor meets the minimum income requirements under sections 213A(f)(1)(E), 213A(f)(3), or 213A(f)(5) of the Act. It includes the income of the sponsor, and of the sponsor's spouse and any other person included in determining the sponsor's household size, if the spouse or other person is at least 18 years old and has signed a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Form I-864A, Affidavit of Support Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, on behalf of the sponsor and intending immigrants. The "household income" may not, however, include the income of an intending immigrant, unless the intending immigrant is either the sponsor's spouse or has the same principal residence as the sponsor and the preponderance of the evidence shows that the intending immigrant's income results from the intending immigrant's lawful employment in the United States or from some other lawful source that will continue to be available to the intending immigrant after he or she acquires permanent resident status. The prospect of employment in the United States that has not yet actually begun will not be sufficient to meet this requirement.”