Hybrid Entity [Internal Revenue] Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 26 CFR 1.1503(d)-1 (3) [ Title 26 Internal Revenue; Chapter I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury; Subchapter A Income Tax; Part 1 Income Taxes; Consolidated Returns; Dual Consolidated Losses Incurred in Taxable Years Beginning Before October 1, 1992], the term Hybrid Entity means “an entity that is not taxable as an association for Federal tax purposes, but is subject to an income tax of a foreign country as a corporation (or otherwise at the entity level) either on its worldwide income or on a residence basis.”
Legal Definition list
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- All Substantial Rights to a Patent [Internal Revenue]
- Alternate Payee [Internal Revenue]
- Approved Terminal or Refinery [Internal Revenue]
- Architectural and Transportation Barrier Removal Expenses [Internal Revenue]