Indian Student Count Law and Legal Definition
According to 25 USCS § 1801[Title 25. Indians, chapter 20. Tribally Controlled Colleges And Universities Assistance] "Indian student count" means "a number equal to the total number of Indian students enrolled in each tribally controlled college or university, determined in a manner consistent with subsection (b) of this section on the basis of the quotient of the sum of the credit hours of all Indian students so enrolled, divided by twelve.
The following conditions shall apply for the purpose of determining the Indian student count pursuant to subsection (a)(8):
(1) Such number shall be calculated on the basis of the registrations of Indian students as in effect at the conclusion of the third week of each academic term.
(2) Credits earned in classes offered during a summer term shall be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count in the succeeding fall term.
(3) Credits earned by any student who has not obtained a high school degree or its equivalent shall be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count if the institution at which the student is in attendance has established criteria for the admission of such student on the basis of the student's ability to benefit from the education or training offered. The institution shall be presumed to have established such criteria if the admission procedures for such studies include counseling or testing that measures the student's aptitude to successfully complete the course in which the student has enrolled. No credits earned by such student for purposes of obtaining a high school degree or its equivalent shall be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count.
(4) Indian students earning credits in any continuing education program of a tribally controlled college or university shall be included in determining the sum of all credit hours.
(5) Eligible credits earned in a continuing education program--
(A) shall be determined as one credit for every ten contact hours in the case of an institution on a quarter system, or 15 contact hours in the case of an institution on a semester system, of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction, as described in the criteria established by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training; and
(B) shall be limited to ten percent of the Indian student count of a tribally controlled college or university."