Intermediate Speed. Law and Legal Definition
According to 30 CFR 7.82 [Title 30- Mineral Resources -Chapter i-Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor -Subchapter b- Testing, Evaluation, and Approval of Mining Products-Part 7-Testing by Applicant or Third Party-Subpart e- Diesel Engines Intended for Use in Underground Coal Mines], intermediate speed is the "maximum torque speed if it occurs between 60 percent and 75 percent of rated speed. If the maximum torque speed is less than 60 percent of rated speed, then the intermediate speed shall be 60 percent of the rated speed. If the maximum torque speed is greater than 75 percent of the rated speed, then the intermediate speed shall be 75 percent of rated speed."
Legal Definition list
- Intermediate Scrutiny
- Intermediate Quiet Zone
- Intermediate Partial Quiet Zone [Transportation]
- Intermediate Interest
- Intermediate Ingredient or Feedstock
- Intermediate Speed.
- Interment
- Intermittent Holding Facility [Juvenile Law]
- Intermittent Ignition Device
- Intermodal Adaptability
- Intermodal Equipment [Transportation]