National Child Search Assistance Act Law and Legal Definition
The National Child Search Assistance Act (NCSA) is a U.S. federal legislation enacted in 1990. This Act requires each federal, state, local law enforcement agency to report each case of a missing child below the age of 21 to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC.) Further, the NCSA states that no agency should maintain any policy establishing a waiting period before accepting a missing child report. The provisions relating to the Act are found under 42 USCS §§ 5779 and 5780.
Some provisions of the NCSA was amended by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Pursuant to the amendment, the NCSA is to require law enforcement to enter information about missing and abducted children in the NCIC database within two hours of receiving a report.
Legal Definition list
- National Child Labor Committee
- National Center on Institutions and Alternatives
- National Center for Victims of Crime
- National Center for State Courts
- National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing [CRESST]
- National Child Search Assistance Act
- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act [NCVIA]
- National Clandestine Service [NCS]
- National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities [NCEF]
- National Climate Program Act
- National Collegiate Athletic Association