National Climate Program Act Law and Legal Definition
The National Climate Program Act is a Federal law created to establish a national climate program that will assist the U.S. and the world to understand and respond to natural and man-induced climate processes and their implications.
The Act was the result of a need for a well-defined and coordinated program in climate-related research, monitoring, assessment of effects, and information utilization. The National Climate Program Office will work with the National Academy of Sciences and other private, academic, State, and local groups in preparing and implementing plans.
Legal Definition list
- National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities [NCEF]
- National Clandestine Service [NCS]
- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act [NCVIA]
- National Child Search Assistance Act
- National Child Labor Committee
- National Climate Program Act
- National Collegiate Athletic Association
- National Committee
- National Compensation Survey
- National Conference of Black Lawyers
- National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws ( NCCUSL)