National Constitution Centre Law and Legal Definition
The National Constitution Centre (“Centre”) is an organization that helps in providing educational programs on the U.S. Constitution. The Centre also exhibits archives for, and programs on or related to the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. It also makes interpretation of the U.S. Constitution at those units of the national park system particularly relevant to its history.
The functions of the Center includes :
1. Serving as a center of exhibits and related materials on the history and contemporary significance of the Constitution ;
2. Directing a national program of public education on the Constitution;
3. issuing traveling exhibits, commissioning radio and television programs, furnishing materials for the schools, and providing other education services;
4. Functioning as an intellectual center, drawing both academics and practitioners to debate and refine constitutional issues and, at the same time, providing intellectual support for the Center's exhibits and public education program; and
5. Creating archives for programs on the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution.
Legal Definition list
- National Constitution Center
- National Consensus Standard
- National Conference of State Legislatures
- National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws ( NCCUSL)
- National Conference of Black Lawyers
- National Constitution Centre
- National Convention
- National Council
- National Council For Adoption
- National Council on Compensation Insurance [NCCI]
- National Council on Compensation Insurance [NCCI]
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