National Guard Law and Legal Definition
The Army National Guard (ARNG) is one branch of the U.S. Total Army, consisting of the Active, Guard, and Reserve components. The Army National Guard is composed of reservist - civilians who serve their country on a part time basis. Each state and territory has its own Army National Guard as provided by the United States Constitution.
The Army National Guard has a dual mission:
- to provide units organized, equipped and trained to function efficiently in the protection of life and property and preservation of peace, order and public safety under competent orders of federal or state authorities;
- to provide trained units and individuals available for active duty during war or national emergency.
Legal Definition list
- National Group
- National Gang Intelligence Center
- National Gang Center
- National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act
- National Futures Association
- National Guard
- National Guardianship Association
- National Health Service Corps Program
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
- National Highway Institute
- National Highway System Designation Act
Related Legal Terms
- Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding [USIP]
- Access Control List [National Security]
- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
- Accessible Space [National Security]
- Active Guard and Reserve Duty
- Active Guard and Reserve(AGR)
- Activity of Multinational Enterprises
- Adult Guardian
- Adult Guardianship
- Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate Course [Education]