National Guardianship Association Law and Legal Definition
National Guardianship Association is a body created with the mission to establish and promote a nationally recognized standard of excellence in guardianship. This association has developed a program named Star Provider program which is dedicated to ensure that their member guardians make essential decisions in connection with their wards confidently. Guardians, fiduciaries, and conservators across the country make decisions everyday for millions of people who have been appointed to their care by the courts. Companies which offer key services and products used by guardians participate in the Star Provider program developed by the National Guardianship Association. They offer to build a special relationship with the guardianship community.
Legal Definition list
- National Guard
- National Group
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- National Gang Center
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- National Guardianship Association
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- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
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- National Highway System Designation Act
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA]
Related Legal Terms
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- Activity of Multinational Enterprises
- Adult Guardianship
- Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate Course [Education]
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