National Pollution Funds Center Law and Legal Definition
The National Pollution Funds Center (NPFC) is an entity within the U.S. Coast Guard. The NPFC was created to implement Title I of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA). The OPA aims to address issues associated with preventing, responding to, and paying for oil pollution. The NPFC was established by the Secretary of Transportation whose function is to administer the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.[ 40 CFR 300.5]
The NPFC is committed towards protecting the U.S. environment. Some of its duties are:
a. Providing appropriate access to the OSLTF for federal agencies and states for removal actions and for federal trustees to initiate the assessment of natural resource damages.
b.Providing appropriate access to the OSLTF for claims.
c. Coordinating cost recovery efforts related to oil pollution.
d. Providing greater environmental afeguards.
Legal Definition list
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- National Per-Meal Value
- National Parks
- National Park System Damages
- National Park System
- National Pollution Funds Center
- National Preparedness System
- National Priorities List (NPL)
- National Prison Rape Elimination Commission [NPREC]
- National Program Guidance
- National Prohibition Act
Related Legal Terms
- Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding [USIP]
- Access Control List [National Security]
- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
- Accessible Space [National Security]
- Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships
- Activity of Multinational Enterprises
- Additional Funds Needed [AFN]
- Administrative Subdivision of Funds
- Administrative Takedown Funds [Transportation]
- Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate Course [Education]