National Rail Passenger Transportation System Law and Legal Definition
"National rail passenger transportation system means--
(A) the segment of the continuous Northeast Corridor railroad line between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington, District of Columbia;
(B) rail corridors that have been designated by the Secretary of Transportation as high-speed rail corridors (other than corridors described in subparagraph (A)), but only after regularly scheduled intercity service over a corridor has been established;
(C) long-distance routes of more than 750 miles between endpoints operated by Amtrak as of the date of enactment of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008 [enacted Oct. 16, 2008]; and
(D) short-distance corridors, or routes of not more than 750 miles between endpoints, operated by--
(i) Amtrak; or
(ii) another rail carrier that receives funds under chapter 244.” (49 USCS § 24102)
Legal Definition list
- National Quotation Bureau
- National Prohibition Act
- National Program Guidance
- National Prison Rape Elimination Commission [NPREC]
- National Priorities List (NPL)
- National Rail Passenger Transportation System
- National Reclamation Act
- National Reconnaissance Office [NRO]
- National Register of Historic Places
- National Research Center on English Learning and Achievement [CELA]
- National Resident Matching Program [NRMP]
Related Legal Terms
- 9-1-1 System
- Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding [USIP]
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Access Control List [National Security]
- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
- Accessible Space [National Security]
- Accountable Injury or Illness [Transportation]
- Accountable Rail Equipment Accident
- Acquisition Assistance [Transportation]
- Active Solar System