NATO-7 Law and Legal Definition
A NATO-7 visa is a non-immigrant US visa issued to an attendant, servant, or personal employee of an alien holding a NATO 1 – 6 visa and the members of the immediate family of such an attendant, servant, or personal employee.
To acquire a non immigrant visa, the applicant must submit a NATO visa application to a US consulate authorized to issue nonimmigrant visas. To apply or renew the visa, the applicant must apply from outside the US. Applicants are required to be interviewed and a digital fingerprint scan will be carried out. The applicant has to also provide the consulate with evidence that he/she will be receiving a fair wage which will be sufficient to financially support herself/himself. Proof that he/she intends to perform the contracted employment duties is also necessary.
The employer has certain duties as well and needs to provide proof of certain issues before the applicant can obtain a NATO – 7 visa.
Employer must:
•Pay the domestic's initial travel expenses to the United States, and subsequently to the employer's onward assignment, or to the employee's country of normal residence at the termination of the assignment.
•Demonstrate that he or she will have sufficient funds to provide a fair wage and working conditions, as reflected in the contract.
NATO-7 visa holders are not exempt from entry into the US-VISIT program and will also need to register their entry into the US and their departure.