Natural Region Law and Legal Definition
According to 36 CFR 62.2 [Title 36 -- Parks, Forests, and Public Property; Chapter I -- National Park Service, Department of the Interior; Part 62 -- National Natural Landmarks Program], natural region is “a distinct physiographic province having similar geologic history, structures, and landforms. The basic physiographic characteristics of a natural region influence its vegetation, climate, soils, and animal life. Examples include the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Great Basin, and Brooks Range natural regions.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Project
- Appalachian Regional Commission
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Check Processing Region
- County Program Committee [Natural Resources Conservation Service]
- Cross-Border Regional Entity
- Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier (DMERC)
- Economic Empowerment in Strategic Regions [EESR]
- Emergency Natural Gas
- Emergency Natural Gas Transaction