Neither Party Law and Legal Definition
The term ‘neither party’ is an abbreviated form of a docket entry. It means that both parties in a suit agree by an agreement not to appear in further proceedings. It is used as a form of judgment in some states where a case is settled.
In Myers v. Thompson, 117 Me. 80 (Me. 1918), the court held that the entry of ‘neither party’ means, neither party appears further in the cause. It is made by agreement of the parties and no judgment of the court follows from the entry.
Legal Definition list
- Neighborhood Watch Program [Department of Justice]
- Neighborhood or Community-Based Organizations
- Neighborhood
- Neighbor Principle
- Neither Party
- Nemine Contradicente
- Neminem Laedit Qui Jure Suo Utitur
- Neminem Oportet Esse Sapientiorem Legibus
- Nemo Ad Littus Maris Accedere Prohibetur
- Nemo Allegans Suam Tupitudinem Audiendus Est