Nemo Ex Suo Delicto Meliorem Suam Conditionem Facere Potest Law and Legal Definition
Nemo Ex Suo Delicto Meliorem Suam Conditionem Facere Potest is a Latin phrase which means no one can perfect his condition by a crime. Crime is an unlawful act. One cannot acquire a right under a crime. When the source itself is wrong, the benefit from that is also wrong. One can acquire a title by forgery, but that title is not lawful as the means used for obtaining the same is not lawful. The person obtaining a right by unlawful means must return the same to the rightful owner.
Legal Definition list
- Nemo Est Supra Leges
- Nemo Est Heres Viventis
- Nemo Est Haeres Viventis
- Nemo Debet Ex Alieno Damno Lucrari
- Nemo Debet Esse Judex In Propria Causa
- Nemo Ex Suo Delicto Meliorem Suam Conditionem Facere Potest
- Nemo In Propria Causa Testis Esse Debet
- Nemo Judex In Parte Sua
- Nemo Plus Juris Ad Alium Transferre Potest Quam Ipse Habet
- Nemo Potest Nisi Quod De Jure Potest
- Nemo Prohibetur Plures Negotiationes Sive Artes Exercere