Network Area (Health Care) Law and Legal Definition
The term 'network area' when used in the context of health care means an area used for determining hospital, health care treatment facility, health care practitioner or other provider that is designated as network provider, and has signed an agreement with medicare to provide services to covered persons.
According to 42 USCS § 1395w-22(d)(5)(B) (A), the term "network area" means, for a plan year, an area which the Secretary identifies (in the Secretary's announcement of the proposed payment rates for the previous plan year under section 1853(b)(1)(B) [42 USCS § 1395w-23(b)(1)(B)]) as having at least 2 network-based plans (as defined in subparagraph (C)) with enrollment under this part as of the first day of the year in which such announcement is made.